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SAE ITALIA adds a six-axle custom crane to its Grove portfolio using Manitowoc’s Lift Solutions group

  • The long-time customer worked with Manitowoc Lift Solutions to develop the GMK6450-1 from the GMK6400-1 design, 扩大其供应大型全地形起重机的能力
  • The crane becomes the 14th Grove model in the company’s fleet and has been on the road almost constantly since its delivery in October 2022.

意大利Manitowoc的长期客户 SAE ITALIA 在其产品组合中又增加了一台顶级格罗夫全地形起重机. 最新交付的是定制规格的GMK6450-1, 这是一款与格罗夫GMK6400-1设计相同的六轴车型, 但增加了450吨的最大容量. The Piacenza-based lifting company worked closely with Manitowoc’s specialist engineering team at Lift Solutions 微调起重机以满足它的精确需求.

通过领先的意大利经销商销售 FIMI, the crane was adapted to enable further expansion of SAE’s  capabilities and operations across Europe. 由于它能够承担通常为大型起重机保留的工作, the GMK6450-1, 比如GMK6400-1, features a five-section 60 m MEGAFORM® main boom that delivers an impressive 136 m tip height when fitted with the optional 25 – 79 m luffing jib.


SAE的GMK6450-1包括增强容量的MegaWingLift™附件, MAXbase™选项可用于可变支腿定位. 自交付以来,它几乎一直在使用, 总经理说, Michele Albamonte: “We received many bookings for the new crane as soon as customers heard about it. 它一直致力于各种艰巨的任务.” These include maintenance work at the thermoelectric plant run by renewable energy giant A2A; a one-month maintenance program at a refinery in Sicily; and a roof installation at a school in Bologna.  

与母公司一起, SAE Europe, 总部设在布达佩斯, Hungary, 并在撒丁岛和斯洛文尼亚运营其他设施, SAE的核心活动是起重服务, 起重机租金(有或没有操作员), 正常和异常运输服务不限于意大利大陆. 

“我们的客户超过600家公司, and whenever, and wherever, 我们被要求采取行动, 无论是汉堡, 布达佩斯或者整个意大利, we have always been completely satisfied with our Grove cranes’ performance and versatility – not to mention the aftersales assistance Manitowoc has offered us over the years,阿尔巴蒙特接着说. “在我们长期的关系中, we must have purchased the whole range of Grove all-terrain and rough-terrain cranes – but our GMK6450-1, 以其难以置信的影响力和能力, 更不用说它的易用性了, 是最精彩的吗.”

GMK6450-1的到来使意大利SAE的格罗夫车型达到14款, 加入其GMK3055, GMK4080, GMK4100, GMK5130, GMK5150和GMK5250L全地形起重机, 及其生产的RT540和RT550越野起重机.

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Anna Theilen
移动式起重机欧洲 & Africa
T +49 4421 294 4632